Don't you hate it when your computer goes on the fritz?
If you're anything like me, you depend upon it - a great deal! There's the stuff I've got to do for work, there's the stuff I need to get done for our household and, of course, there's when my daughter needs to use it for schoolwork.
All fine and good until something doesn't work right. And you can't even tell what's wrong when it comes to your computer, can you? It's not like smoke starts coming out of it (hollywood notwithstanding); heck sometimes you don't even know it's broken until weeks have gone by and you've done serious damage. Nasty!
So I have to share a little site with you I saw that I appreciated. Computer Repairs in Sarasota, FL (which I don't live there so the site won't help me get MY computer repaired) not only lists places to get your pc or laptop fixed if your near Sarasota or Bradenton, FL, but on its homepage it gives a clever little history of computing in the 20th century.
I learned stuff. Stuff I can impress my 12 year old with. I'm thinking this page is like the waiting room at your computer doctor...a little something to read and make the time pass while you wait for the pro to show up.
Anyway, the idea of a little sugar to help the medicine go down is not a bad idea. I'll keep that in mind for other ventures, too.